
ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), February 15, 2021: today, SkylineDx announced a research collaboration with an academic hospital and a Dutch cancer registry to investigate patients with early-stage melanoma (skin cancer)...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands), SAN DIEGO (US), LONDON (UK), September 10, 2020: SkylineDx, announces a collaboration agreement with Professor Michael Levin’s group at Imperial College London and Professor Jane Burns’ group at University of...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), August 26, 2020: SkylineDx signed a collaboration agreement with a multi-disciplinary clinical consortium in the Netherlands that designed a trial to implement a diagnostic innovation to...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), June 23, 2020: last week, SkylineDx signed the 10th collaboration agreement with an academic partner for research under the extensive Falcon R&D Program to further validate...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), May 14, 2020: SkylineDx announces the publication of two ASCO abstracts describing a biomarker that identifies a subgroup of skin cancer (cutaneous melanoma) patients that could...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), May 12, 2020: Everything Genetic Ltd has partnered with a leading private health insurance company in the UK to design an access strategy for patients with...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), April 22, 2020: SkylineDx announced today that the Merlin Assay for melanoma is officially added to their test menu and available as Laboratory Developed Test from...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), April 15, 2020: SkylineDx in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic published yesterday its first study describing a diagnostic test that could reduce up to 42% of...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), March 24, 2020: SkylineDx today announces an agreement with BioInvent International AB (OMXS: BINV) to characterize the gene expression and immunological signatures in tumors of patients...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), March 17, 2020: multiple myeloma (blood cancer) patients with a high risk or aggressive course of the disease are unlikely to benefit from current treatment approaches,...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), February 4, 2020: SkylineDx is excited to announce the scientific collaboration with the Multiple Myeloma (blood cancer) specialized department of the Wuerzburg University Medical Center II...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), September 30, 2019: SkylineDx announced, during the European Society for Medical Oncology congress (Barcelona, EU), that it successfully validated the performance of their skin cancer (melanoma) diagnostic...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), September 24, 2019: SkylineDx announced at the 32nd Biennial Dermatology Symposium: The O’Leary Meeting 2019 in Rochester (MN, US) the launch of a pilot study it will...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), September 12, 2019: fast-progressing multiple myeloma (blood cancer) patients of 65 years and older that won’t undergo a stem cell transplantation live 42 months longer when...

Translation of Dutch newspaper (Het Financieele Dagblad) article written by Thieu Vaessen. Source can be found via this link.  *** Van Herk puts € 20 million into diagnostics company for skin cancer The Rotterdam...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), September 2, 2019: Benelux’ largest biotech investor Aat van Herk commits a €20 million investment in diagnostics company SkylineDx after reaching major milestones in 2018, financing...

ROTTERDAM (the Netherlands) and SAN DIEGO (US), July 25th, 2019: hematologists and multiple myeloma (blood cancer) patients in the UK will have access to Dutch developed diagnostic test MMprofilerTM with SKY92 algorithm through the...

ROTTERDAM en SAN DIEGO (Verenigde Staten), 23 juli 2019: de hematologie afdeling van het Erasmus Medisch Centrum (EMC) is wereldwijd het eerste ziekenhuis dat elke multipel myeloom (bloedkanker) patiënt een innovatieve diagnostische service...