
Ramon Guy

Finance Manager

Although I have had a long career in accounting, I am a novice when it comes to working in the biotech industry. During my orientation, I learned that rigorous research has paved the way for a reduction in cancer deaths In addition to immunotherapy, precision medicine is an area that is growing rapidly. Precision medicine takes into account a patient’s genes, environment, and lifestyle to help doctors match patients to the most appropriate therapy. Having seen firsthand the impact this disease can have on the lives of patients and their families, I am thrilled to be working for a company that is helping to improve patient care. So often, we are reminded of the huge impact a cancer diagnosis can have on the lives of loved ones and friends. In Accounting and Finance, with the help of my direct colleagues and the rest of the staff, I hope to contribute to greater transparency of the company’s financials to allow for organizational agility, better management oversight, and potential valuation.

The SkylineDx mission statement, aiming to improve patient outcomes, aligns perfectly with my core belief that in life and in economics, not only prosperity in a narrow sense matter, but also the broader concept of well-being should be our focus.

Ramon Guy

Finance Manager
